We are open during normal volunteer hours.

Our 2025 Plant sale is now closed, thank you for your purchases! We’re currently tending to your seedlings so they’re ready for your gardens in early April. We’ll be in touch with pickup details in March.

Happy Monday!

Hello All!

Yup, it’s Lori, helping Brenda out with the thank you notes:)

We had a pretty good harvest this week, over 180lbs! The purple cauliflower, Di Sicilia Violetta, came on heavy, giving us almost 30lbs worth of heads. So cool! The rest of G’s lemons and grapefruits also went out. Thanks G:)

Monday morning the YORK crew split in half. L, K and O continued wood chipping the West side of the Big Hoop House, approximately 1200 square feet! A and I went to take care of the worms, feeding them pumpkins and wetting them down, it was pretty dry inside the bin. 

Tuesday found us all over the garden! The OG Orchard Club were all out in the orchard starting the winter pruning. C joined them! Wherever there were weeds there were volunteers digging them out! In the Big Hoop House we had a team pricking 247 mixed greens seedlings into their own 6 packs for our garden. One of our regular volunteers is home nursing her knee and took labels with her to clean them for us, thank you K:)

Wednesday we were just as busy!  In the Little Hoop House we started setting up the South bench for both our spring garden plants AND the plant sale plants! We potted up 176 pepper/eggplants into 4” pots, mostly for the plant sale, and moved them into the Little Hoop House! Hannah used her new tractor skills to refill the compost hub out front. Go Hannah!!! We spent the rest of the time organizing the office closet and files on our drive.

Friday saw us out in the garden continuing our wood chipping. The West side of the Big Hoop House was finished and the East side was started…lots of weed on that side! D branched off the pack to get some weeds in the L & M beds, thank you D! G, our citrus Queen, helped get our new seed packets inventoried:) 

Saturday the rain held off long enough for us to have our morning crew out AND pilot an afternoon shift! Yes, we are starting a new shift on Saturdays from 1pm to 4pm. Ryan will lead, Hannah and Enrique will be there to support him! Brenda will be out the first few times to help them get this off the ground:)

In the morning Hannah and Hunter got the crew started wood chipping the South end of the orchard. Once done there they finished off the East side of the Big Hoop House. After wood chipping the areas needed, A, P, T and E moved the wood chip pile (or what was left of it) out of the way for us to start breaking ground on our new beds! Inside the Big Hoop House 183 more greens seedlings were pricked out in to their own 6 packs for our garden. With rains coming our way we half emptied 2 of our smaller rain barrels. All 3 of our large rain barrels are now full. This is really going to put a fire under our butts to set the pipes up for the orchard!!! Some compost was made and ants were dealt with in the greenhouse. 

In the afternoon the Little Hoop House’s South side irrigation line was fixed. Beds for our succession plantings were ID’d. This is what we are growing all the greens for. As winter crops start to finish up, we start new plants after them. Some of our new volunteers helped to weed around the rain barrels. Once again, inside the Big Hoop House, 198 peppers/eggplants were potted up into 4” pots, 150 rosemary and about 50 oregano cuttings were rooted up, ~400 dust like seeds for oregano were sown, along with 184 peppers/eggplants seeds, all for the plant sale! 

In total for the woods chips, 3250 sq ft were laid down, amounting to 25,278lbs!!!!

Sheesh, writing that total down just tired me out! We are all so glad to have you all out at the garden helping to get all these tasks done! There is no way we could do it without you all, truly, thank you!

Take care
