We are open during normal volunteer hours.

Our 2025 Plant sale is now closed, thank you for your purchases! We’re currently tending to your seedlings so they’re ready for your gardens in early April. We’ll be in touch with pickup details in March.

Happy Monday!

Hello All,

OK, last week we started planting our summer veggies! 🍅 🫛

York helped us to glean out bed A05 of all the kale we had in it for well over a year now…it did its duty! They helped to chop it up into smaller pieces so the composters have an easier time getting it into the bins! O was chopping the large kale trunks with ease! I think he acquired super hero strength over spring break!!!! They dropped off a bucket of clean gloves and picked up our dirty ones! York helps us all school year long in keeping our gloves clean. Once summer hits it is up to Brenda and I to get them clean! Thank you York for doing this for us!

Tuesday I ended up feeding the worms the kale from bed A05, as well as some banana peels from my breakfasts because when York and I checked in on them there were some worms trying to escaper up the side of the bin! After adding all the food stuffs I also added in some coco coir to give them some more room to move around in! The OG’s from the Orchard fixed up the box shed door, again! As well as weeded/pruned the Orchard…thanks guys! The Hugelkultur mounds got some weeding and planting done, weeding was done garden wide and C’s tomatoes were potted up; 43 Rainbow Jazz, 64 San Marzano and 59 Chocolate Stripes! Essex group was out and helped us to harvest and get it ready for delivery to the pantries! 132lbs was harvested and delivered for our neighbors in need!Wednesday Essex group helped us harvest, get the produce ready for delivery, weeded and planted some tomatoes and beans! After harvesting 209lbs of produce, (and while getting it ready for delivery) they turned their sights on beds B05 & B06 to weed out the poppies crowding out the onions! Once the beds were prepped, in bed A05 they helped plant 13 Early Girl tomatoes and in bed E01 they helped to plant 18 Provider Beans! If all goes well with the weather we should be harvesting from the Early Girl tomatoes within the next 2 months!!!!

Friday we had a lot of returning volunteers! They helped to prep bed B16 and planted 70 arugula and 24 lettuces around the kale in that bed! Bed A15 got a little side dressing of our fertilizer and compost to help the onions along!

Saturday Morning volunteers, PLAY, CCOP and individual volunteers, were busy as well! Beds M12, 13 & 14 were gleaned, weeded and amended with our fertilizer and compost. M12 now has 20 Brandywine-Sudduth tomatoes, M13 now has 21 Green Zebra tomatoes and M14 now has 43 Gilboa peppers! A15’s trellis was pulled to make room for this year’s Shoya Long eggplants (I will be planting those with York!). For bed E01 18 more Provider Beans were planted!

Busy Bees last week and it is only going to get busier now that we are past the plant sale and are now moving on to planting the summer veggies🍅🌶️🍆🫛🥒🌽🍠🫑

Everyone contributed in harvesting 342.1 LBS! of produce this week for our neighbors❤️
Do I ever tell you guys that you all are amazing humans….cause ya are!!!!!!!

Thank you all for always showing up and helping us to continue doing this good work💚

Take care
