We are open during normal volunteer hours.

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday!

Hello All! Hope you had an enjoyable weekend. This week is looking to be HOT! Please stay hydrated and as cool as possible.

Last week Kaiser, Taiho Oncology, Kaleidoscope and Rolling Hills NCL joined us all in the garden. The Kaiser crew helped to glean out one of our longer beds, N12, as well as helped to weed the worm bin area for Kaleidoscope to be able to get to the worm bin AND they got the printer hooked up and working in our office! Taiho prepped bed B14, planted 15 Celebrity tomatoes in it and planted 17 Redbor kale in the neighboring bed, B16! Kaleidoscope gleaned 123.81lbs of onions out of bed E02, weighed them and stored them in the box shed. They also fed the worms fruit found on the ground in the orchard (as well as some from R’s home and mine!), shredded paper and added a 2” layer of the paper and FGW compost on top of the fruit in the worm bin. They also gave them a good soak in preparation of this week’s heat! Rolling Hills NCL came out and washed a box of tags we need for our seed planting, weeded the South side of bed N13 and planted 52 Cascade Glaze collards in the North side of bed N13. They also watered a few beds that were needing some extra water!

While the groups were out getting those chores done we also had our regulars out helping with other chores that were needing done in the garden! An assortment of tomatoes, peppers, sorrel, lettuce and melons were planted or direct sown(over 80 plants). K.M. brought in Patchwork pepper seeds and got them started, 31 new seedlings! R.B. was back at it again with his weed whacker out in the pasture! Bed N08 & N12 were weeded and beds AB 33 & 32 were gleaned. The garlic in the box shed was weighed and some were set aside for planting in the fall. Before all the beds were prepped for the summer veggies we got out there and dug up the soil for the tests that need to be run on them! 

All that and we collectively harvested over 550lbs last week! E. was gracious enough to get the onions ready as well as wash and pack the harvest for both days to get it out to the pantries! 

Thank you all for showing up and getting things done in the garden! We could not do this without all of your help! I am sure I am missing some things that got done but please know every little bit done in the garden goes a long way❤️❤️❤️

Take care
