Happy Monday!


Yowza, it’s been HOT out there🔥 Hope everyone took care of themselves, staying hydrated and as cool as possible! Thank you all for rearranging your schedules to come out to the garden earlier than expected to beat the heat!

As hot as it was, we still got a good amount of work done in the garden last week:) All our time in the garden we took to planting over 440 mix of tomatoes, greens, okra, peppers, eggplant, thyme and sweet potatoes in 10 different beds! Brenda’s hubby is the one who started the sweet potatoes for us…grateful to him for doing that💚

There were also 3 beds prepped during a couple of the shifts; gleaned of it’s produce, weeded, amended, composted, planted…a little bit of a feat in that heat. 1 of the beds got tomatoes and greens, another got the rest of the sweet potatoes and the 3rd will be planted this week! Hopefully with beans! In one of the beds there were 2 horehound plants that were transplanted into pots for future planting.

More bindweed got weeded out, especially from the beds where it is strangling our veggie plants! Quite a few beds got some extra watering in this heat, as well as watering ourselves!!! Many of you have seen Brenda water the back of her neck in heat like this, it really does work!

A few volunteers took to making ~55 tomato cages from 150ft of concrete reinforcement mesh and started caging bed N11 tomatoes with them! The next shift a couple of volunteers, A & R, took the last few cages and added them to N11! Another 5 rolls of mesh were picked up on Saturday so looks like there will be more tomato cages being made this week!

F01 got gleaned of its onions and E01 got gleaned of its garlic! J.T. hung most of the garlic we are using for seed in the office, including some of the garlic from E01! 

The Little Hoop House’s irrigation went caput which prompted us to move the plants that were still salvageable to the greenhouse. The rest of the plants went into the SE compost bin with help from V. He did most of the heavy lifting in to the bins! We didn’t get any veggies from them but they will help in feeding the garden soil:)

As I said, a good amount of work done AND we harvested over 520lbs of produce for our local pantries💚😊💚

Good job all! It’s looking like another hot week. Please stay hydrated and as cool as you can💦😎

Take care