We are open during normal volunteer hours.

Happy Monday!

Hi All,

Well brrr, it is cold outside! Tomato season is definitely over. We continued gleaning out more of the tomato beds; M10, M11, L04, L03, and were able to amend them all by the end of the week with your hard efforts! We started some pruning on the squash beds, RL was able to send some squash leaves to Speedy the Tortoise…his favorite! This week we’ll harvest the squash up and send to our neighbors to have for Thanksgiving <3

Lance took some well earned time off last Tuesday. Miss PB stepped in for weighing and recording that day. I missed Lance’s humor but he made up for it the next day;)

Louis Dreyfus Co., from here in Livermore, came out and helped us to finish gleaning beds M10 & M11, helped us to get started on the N beds and continue gleaning on bed L04. They split up at the beginning of the shift to help us harvest and get bed M13 planted with 75 Caraflex cabbage and 115 Walla Walla onions! AND they helped us to wash and pack the produce for delivery to 3 pantries that day! Over 250lbs of produce harvested that day! Go Team!

Shout out!

Granada High School’s garden got their 9 raised beds irrigation installed and amended by Enrique, Ryan, Sarah M, Brenda and Enrique’s dad on Saturday! The culinary arts teacher reached out to Brenda the beginning of this school year because she wants to get her culinary arts class out in the garden growing the produce they will eventually use in their cooking! 

Kaleidoscope was back out helping in the garden. They shredded the last of the paper we had stacked up for them! Gonna need to find my shredding crew a new chore! They also helped to glean out some of beds L03 & L04 and covered the worms with the shredded paper as well as a layer of compost to keep them warm. There was also a label cleaning party going on at some point!!! Busy little bees that day!

Weeding going on…beds G03 & G04 got some much needed love as well as bed M01 from 2 of our lovely regular volunteers:) All these beds have produce in them that we are starting to harvest from but they were getting swallowed up by the tall grasses that are now wanting to grow as well as the infamous bindweed! The rest of the beds that were gleaned out also were weeded out!

It is getting cold out but our compost bins are keeping warm! For 2 days the thermometer registered at 145* for Ryan! He was also able to get some layers added to bin #4 with tomato branches and AUMC grass clippings. Lots of beds were amended with the Saturday morning crew…5 to be exact! AW, JC, NC & and some PLAY members amended 3 of those beds! PLAY and AYLUS were out and got 229 cabbages, 131 red onions and 2274 seeds planted into some newly amended beds!

You all are just rocking it out there in the garden! You also harvested over 520lbs of produce which go directly to our neighbors! 

Thank you for making this all possible!
