We are open during normal volunteer hours.

Our 2025 Plant sale is now closed, thank you for your purchases! We’re currently tending to your seedlings so they’re ready for your gardens in early April. We’ll be in touch with pickup details in March.

Happy Monday

Happy Monday everyone,

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Many thanks to all the new and regular volunteers plus everyone from Workday, Peer2Peer, the National Charity Leagues, the Boy’s Team Charities, Enjoying Life More, and the campers from the Pleasanton City Summer Camp who came to work in the garden last week.

The big news is that we amended and planted the last two of our 78 beds! We put in another three sisters bed and a bed of late melons. It will be yummy in the garden come October. WAHOOOOO the garden is full with 6,783 plants plus lots of herbs!

We harvested 438 pounds of fresh vegetables to share with our neighbors in need last week. Saturday we started pruning the tomato plants up from the ground and we actually found some ripe tomatoes! YEAH! Summer may really be here. I am looking forward to being able to share tomatoes.

We are starting our ninth weeding tour of the garden, removing weeds garden-wide from about r 9,368 square feet last week. Many thanks to all you zen pullers and scuffle hoe fans for working on keeping the weeds out of the beds and paths. The garden looks great! Folks also weeded the hoop house and green house the first and biggest step in preparing to start seeds for our fall and winter crops next month. THANK YOU!

With the garden weeded and planted, we were able to start flushing the drip lines. A detail oriented chore that we need to do a couple times a year to keep the irrigation system operating optimally. Many thanks to the folks who worked on this and repairing all the leaks they found too. Leak repair will really help our water conservation efforts.

I am excited that in the next few weeks we will be doing some serious groundwork to put in our new orchard in preparation for putting in new trees next January. We will also be able to focus on maintaining the garden in the beautiful shape it is in by keeping up on trellising and caging all the new plant growth and of course doing some more weeding.

As always, I am indebted to all of you and send you all my sincere gratitude. Fertile GroundWorks could not do all we do without wonderful volunteers like you. You are all truly amazing human beings. THANK YOU!!! for enabling us to TEACH, GROW, and GIVE.

I do hope that you all will be able to come back and see how your efforts helped the garden to grow and change with the seasons.

Until next we meet, please do take care of yourselves.

Happy gardening everyone.

With sincere gratitude and hugs


PS last week we had 117 volunteers of all ages from 1st grade to grandmas WOW!