Hi All,
BRRR…it is COLD out there today!
Last week I mentioned the signs TE made for us to use in the garden beds when we need to keep out of them when harvesting. Today I included a picture of the sign below. The color is beautiful and they are already on steel posts for us to place into the ground! Thank you TE for creating these beautiful signs for the garden!

We were busy all throughout the garden last week. To start, up front the roses were pruned for the first time by SM and out back in the Orchard the trees were pruned by DB. Leak hunts continued in the AB25-AB34 beds out back and in the Office up front the seed finding was still going on. Germination Seed tests were started, by Kaleidoscope, in the Big Hoop House and the strawberry gutters were removed from the Berry Patch to make room to plant along the fence line thanks to LP, KM & LA.
Compost Area is getting more love. The York continued their care of the Rotating Composter by feeding it more compost from my home, grass from the garden and leaves from MB’s yard. We also got thermometers placed in all the compost bins so we do not need to keep moving what did have out to different bins! The Worm Area is getting attention. We continue to feed the worms on the right side of the bin so when we are needing to pull compost from it we can take what we need from the left side without pulling out our worms! CW installed the hand rails and he will be putting some finishing touches on it this week:)
The Hoop Houses are also getting some attention. Last Friday & Saturday the crews were out there weeding them out and then the Greenhouse and Little Hoop House got some cardboard & wood chipped laid out under the tables and down the walkways. The ditch around the Hoop Houses were filled in and the electrical issue in the Little Hoop House was solved, thank you JR. The Big Hoop House got some weeding done it it but mostly it was used to keep warm while York & I cleaned labels and keeping us dry while Kaleidoscope was out helping with the Germination testing & some label cleaning as well! The Greenhouse was under attack by the annual ant army! New volunteer, RM, laid traps for the ants and now the issue is resolved.
CL, from Wednesday crew, stated she was interested in helping out with the native plant beds in the garden and got started with weeding out the non-native grasses in the SW end of the Native Hedgerow! MB & SM on Tuesdays are a great help with the native plant beds. Over the years they have worked with Brenda on figuring out which plants to bring in to the garden to benefit our veggie plants as well as the environment. There is the SW hedgerow, the NE hedgerow, along the NE corner of the Orchard, the 3 Hugglekulture mounds at the end of the property and a little bit growing under the trees by the Berry Patch. It takes a special eye to see the native plants when weeding so seek one of us out to be sure we are leaving the non-weeds behind;)
We had 318 Oregano cutting rooted up this past Saturday by VT, OB & EL! There were also well over 300 plants potted up into there 4” pots for the Plant Sale! Our babies are getting bigger! We are also planting seeds for the garden so soon we will be needing help to take plants over to Livermore High School who lets us store a lot of the plants for Plant Sale season!
CL from Tuesday crew has been hard at work helping to keep the chard beds cleaned up. Last week she got out in bed N10 to clean up the few plants we had in the North end. By the time she was done cleaning it all up we had over 30 new plants! Some stayed in bed N10 and at least 30 went in to bed K05.
In between all that we got more labels cleaned, some labels written up, the worm bin was fed & watered, seedlings in the Greenhouse were inventoried…and we harvested 95lbs of produce to send in to our neighbors!
As you all do every week, you rocked it out in the garden:) Thank you all for showing up and helping us get this done!
Take care