We are open during normal volunteer hours.

Our 2025 Plant sale is now closed, thank you for your purchases! We’re currently tending to your seedlings so they’re ready for your gardens in early April. We’ll be in touch with pickup details in March.

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgving (almost) everyone,

Wow! The garden is PLANTED! THANK YOU ALL! I am so excited to have that huge task done, THANK YOU! for braving the wet and down right cold weather the last couple days to come help in the garden. It was great to see some ‘old’ faces and meet new ones this week.

To accomplish this huge task you all finished clearing the crops off of, weeding and then amending the last 498 sq feet of beds with 2,500 pounds of compost and fertilizer. Then went on to transplant 2,238 little seedlings and directly sow another 2,125 radish seeds and garlic cloves. We also laid traps for the gophers who are eating their way through some of the beds, thanks JP & MH! Plus we got the orchard tree planting spots marked out and even better the paint did not wash away with the rains of last night. WHEW! The tractor got a new tarp just in time to protect it from those same rains and it didn’t blow away last night either. Thanks DD!

Although we did not harvest much from the garden this week, we were able to share tomatoes we ripened off the vine, peppers and beans we gleaned last weekend from some of the beds you prepped and planted this week, plus loads of winter squash that we had harvested earlier this month and now delivered just in time for turning them into pies and side dishes for our neighbors’ holiday meals. Soon we will be sharing harvests from all the seedlings you all planted!

As always, I am indebted to all of you and send you all my sincere gratitude. Fertile GroundWorks could not do all we do without wonderful volunteers like you. You are all truly amazing human beings. THANK YOU!!! for enabling us to TEACH, GROW, and GIVE.

I do hope that you all will be able to come back and see how your efforts helped the garden to grow and change with the seasons.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving full of love, good company and great food!! I know you all have given me so much to be thankful for tomorrow.

Happy gardening everyone.

With sincere gratitude and hugs
