We are open during normal volunteer hours.

Happy Wednesday

Happy Hump day everyone,

Many thanks to all of you who made it out to help in the garden last week. We had some chilly mornings that bloomed into some hot afternoons. Senior volunteers had countrywide help from Kaiser’s IT team and local help from Dublin High’s Interact Club, Boy’s Team Charity, Livemore High’s FIT club, Dublin Valley High’s Transition and Enjoying Life More teams.

Together we harvested 883 pounds of fresh produce to share with OHK, Culinary Angels and our local food pantries to serve our neighbors in need. WAHOO!

A big shout out to the Saturday crew of Boys Team Charity and Dublin Interact Club members who removed the star thistle, bind weed, vinegar weed and six golf balls from the next portion of garden expansion. You all rocked it out! We got a lot of weeds pulled during the week too, all told almost 7,000 sq ft of them! We also got the box shed sorted out to make room for the winter squashes we will be harvesting over the next couple weeks.

We also kept working to move the garden into the fall by planting out a second batch of about 387 basil seedlings and starting 144 lettuce seeds, which are already sprouting in the hoop house! As always, I am indebted to all of you and send you all my sincere gratitude. Fertile GroundWorks could not do all we do without wonderful volunteers like you. You are all truly amazing human beings. THANK YOU!!! for enabling us to TEACH, GROW, and GIVE.

I do hope that you all will be able to come back and see how your efforts helped the garden to grow and change with the seasons.

Until next we meet, please do take care of yourselves.

Happy gardening everyone.

With sincere gratitude and hugs,