We are open during normal volunteer hours.

Our 2025 Plant sale is now closed, thank you for your purchases! We’re currently tending to your seedlings so they’re ready for your gardens in early April. We’ll be in touch with pickup details in March.

How Volunteering Helps You Professionally

How can volunteering help your career? Why would you include volunteer work on a resume or your LinkedIn profile? Maybe even thinking about that seems self-serving, but we don’t think that at all. So much of our days are already committed to other activities: job, school, family responsibilities, chores, commuting, errands, appointments and so on. It’s a challenge for anyone to find time and energy to give back to their communities. But it says a lot about you to potential future managers or schools that you make that time.volunteer professional

Community service benefits for your career because it helps you:

– Learn new skills, whether you’re just starting your career, looking to move into leadership or transitioning to a different field.

– Shows potential future employers that you have the initiative if you’re struggling to find work or enough work.

– Connects you with a diverse group of people and expand your network.

Most people who volunteer say they feel just as rewarded by a community service experience as the people they’re there to help. Gratitude is an incredibly good feeling that leaves many of us wanting to volunteer more.

Does it matter what kind of volunteer work you do? It’s more helpful to focus on what you’ll actually do – what fits your schedule and lifestyle. For some, sharing their professional talents from home makes the most sense. For others, getting out and getting your hands dirty on-site on weekends or evenings is more feasible. If committing a couple of hours once a week works best for you, do that. For others, volunteering at a big event once a year is the way to go.

Volunteering can also be an excuse to travel longer than you’d take a vacation and immerse yourself in a different culture.

Makes sense, right? Go add us to your LinkedIn profile and say what you do with us! We’re happy to help you show what a great person you are and connect you with more people and organizations that support us.