Our 2025 Plant sale is now closed, thank you for your purchases! We’re currently tending to your seedlings so they’re ready for your gardens in early April. We’ll be in touch with pickup details in March.
You can pay for your seedlings (by check or cash) when you come pick them up in early April at our Garden of Grace (we will be in touch with pickup details in March).
The garden is located behind the Asbury United Methodist Church at 4743 East Avenue, Livermore.
Thank you for your RSVP
Fertile GroundWorks is delighted that you can attend our 2021 Garden Appreciation Event! Come on out to the garden, see how it grows, and harvest yummy treats!
Please come at the time you selected so we can make sure we don’t overcrowd ourselves in the garden. We’re also asking all attendees to wear their masks.
Thank you for booking!
If you have boxes to take your seedlings home in, please bring them! Checks for your order amount are our preferred payment method. Cash is OK too.
Please take note of your pickup time because we will not be able to send reminders for each order, and please be timely so we can help you as quickly as possible, don’t overtax our volunteers, and don’t hold up others.
Many thanks for your support and continued patience as we develop this model. If you are interested in helping us continue to provide healthy food for our neighbors in need, please consider including an extra donation in your plant sale check! We appreciate you.
Wow! Thank you all for making Tuesday a great day for Fertile GroundWorks!
We started with a really productive day of work with a wonderful team from Kaiser, complete with a beautiful rainbow. Then I came home to discover that you all had helped us achieve our CHEF Giving Tuesday goal! AND that Angela Ruggiero’s wonderful Share the Spirit story about Fertile GroundWorks, complete with pics by Doug Duran, had come out. THANK YOU!
You all should know that the generosity of Share the Spirit East Bay, a program of the Bay Area News Group – East Bay Times, administered by the Contra Costa Crisis Center, extended beyond the article, and Fertile GroundWorks is honored to have received a $5K grant from the program. The grant will help us continue to expand our main teaching garden, including a new 110 tree orchard and 32,000 square feet of new garden beds currently underway! Our garden expansion is addressing the needs of our local nonprofit partners (including Open Heart Kitchen, Culinary Angels, and local food pantries) who could use over two times the amount of fresh produce that we currently grow to help feed the hungry in our community. In addition, funds from Share the Spirit will help us continue our ongoing Sustainable School Garden Program, which provides support for local K-12 educators with training and supplies for their school gardens.
Such an outpouring of generous support from our community just awes me. Thank you for helping us continue our mission to TEACH, GROW and GIVE in our community.